Jon Cross Jon Cross

At the Cross Roads of Desire and Responsibility

In this following article by Andrew Morris, I think he discusses a dilemma and a feeling many of us solo internet creators have felt. Let us know what you think below in the comments! Thanks!

“Follow your dreams.” “You can accomplish anything you set your mind to.”

Now it’s your turn… What’s the number one cliche that you so desperately want to believe, but a series of life experiences has soured you to the real possibility of it being true?

For me, it’s as simple as fact vs. fiction. Real vs. make believe. I have those parts of myself that lie in the dark spaces of my mind, where light is only shown in spare time. Those fleeting moments that happen between all the action that makes up “real life.” The podcaster, the retro video game enthusiast, the wannnabe YouTube content creator. I like to believe that creating makes up a large part of who I am. Trouble is, I set out to accomplish one of these creative endeavors only to give up shortly thereafter because of the responsibilities that my day to day gig requires.

I tell myself, “Why mess around with caring if people hear that episode, they won’t listen anyway.” or “Why put yourself out there like that? You that hungry for attention?”
I know I have limited down time and I let these thoughts creep up to tell me that I am wasting it, participating in self created piddly activities that people of my age should be well beyond. So I quit. I leave what I started with such great intentions sitting idle while I let a large portion of what satisfies me creatively get shoved back in those dark cranial corners.

Have you ever opened up to someone about your challenges, whether it be at home or at work? Given them a glimpse into how you feel only to receive a reply that goes something like,
“Well, welcome to the world of ?” Or, “Get used to it, dude. That’s life.” 
It only takes hearing it a few times to start to question whether or not your effort towards your work and life is really adequate and measures up to that of your peers. 

Usually my conversations pertaining to my challenges in the work world spin themselves around my desire to explore what drives me internally in creative endeavors. When I hear these sentiments described above, it further draws the big bold black line between my “real life” and the make believe fantasy world I waste my time with. All of the above leads me to what ends up becoming my daily motor to get by: guilt.

I work in a service field. I care for children and their families. It is an immensely huge responsibility and I place a huge amount of pressure on myself to do what I can to make that proverbial difference each day. Why do I need more than that? Shouldn’t that satisfy me? Yes it should but here’s why it sometimes doesn’t: it’s gradual and you don’t always see the fruits of your labor ever, much less instantly. Sometimes the work I put in is the type that plants a small seed that may or may not grow later in life, or it may happen behind the closed doors of a child’s home. I feel this guilt because I know myself well enough to know that I’m the type of person who wants a pat on the back sometimes and that’s ridiculously selfish.

So why can’t my desires outside of work simply be my release for this pat on the back I so desire? I obsess over what I love in my free time to the point that I burn out and that is where the real sorrow sets in. I have interviewed some great guests on my old podcast and the immediate satisfaction from that work is incredible. Then comes the frustration that it isn’t immediately listened to by the entire western hemisphere. I spend day after day promoting the work on social media to the point that I get sick of it and just stop recording. I forget almost immediately how fulfilling it was to talk to someone I grew up watching on my television screen and focus entirely on the fact that the work was not adequately appreciated for my own needs. I take the enjoyment directly out of the enjoyable experience. I simply make my interests and hobbies a second job that I just cant emotionally sustain with work and family life.

As a side note I also obsess over weekends. I am so fortunate to have the weekend to spend with family each week. Sounds pretty good, right? Trouble is, I plan out my Friday and Saturday nights mentally ahead of time. I tell myself that I’m going to play a pre-determined game and watch a pre-determined movie. Then I’m frustrated when I never get to playing or watching them, or only get to one, essentially making my leisure activity a chore. Once the kids are in bed and the night is mine, life has other plans and I don’t adjust. I can’t just let the world come to me and relax. I only get a set amount of time and I MUST squeeze everything out of it I can before giving in to Sunday night and another workweek.

I am seeking focus in my life and the peace this focus will allow. I believe the peace I’m searching for lies at the cross roads of my desires and my responsibilities. I desire to have a blog/podcast/YouTube Channel that is viable in some way. I also have responsibilities to my job and my family. Fighting this feeling of guilt, for having the desires I have creatively, will hopefully allow me to settle into some of my hobbies for long enough to see them take root and grow over time. Possibly even without my worrying over why I’m not the next Internet sensation, then giving up completely. 

I know I’m not the only one out there who has these issues? Right? Right?!

Let’s let work be work and fun be fun. And when fun becomes work, work on it, and when work becomes fun, simmer in it while it lasts. Or try medication.

Andrew Morris is the host of the Idle Chatter podcast.
Follow him on Twitter
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Jon Cross Jon Cross

Just What the Hell is Talkshoe?

Get accustomed to Talkshoe!
What is Talkshoe I hear you cry!? well it's the place where we host The After Movie Diner podcast.
Don't have iTunes? Don't worry!
Confused with the listening/downloading instructions on my website? aren't we all!
Then come on down to Talkshoe - works exactly like iTunes, Podomatic, Podbean etc and it's all there. Every episode as an easy to download MP3!!
Link to Facebook, Twitter, get our RSS Feed, share us on any website you can think of!
EVENE Rate & Review us with none of the membership hassles of iTunes!!
Get accustomed and acquainted with Talkshoe!!!

It's also a huge community of live shoes, phone in shows, podcasts etc. You can visit and, probably, never have to leave!
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Jon Cross Jon Cross

The Diner NOMINATED for a TLA Cult Award

And there you go thinking AWARD season was over... oh no! there is the little matter of The Podcast from the After Movie Diner being nominated a SECOND year in a row for a prestigious TLA CULT Award. Last year, if you didn't know, we WON the award, much to our surprise, and it would be great to do a Daniel Day Lewis and just win every year! hahaha
So please please go and vote.
To vote simply go here: or click the banner above and scroll through the categories highlighting which winners you like as you go.
Right at the bottom there is the BEST WEBSITE/BLOG/PODCAST/WHATEVER category and that's where we are located. Click on our logo, a yellow box appears and then hit VOTE!
The best part?
You can do that AS MUCH AS YOU LIKE so, please, for us: GO HOG WILD
Voting ends March 15th so we're not asking you to do it for long, just, please, go and vote. VOTE NOW.
Also, while you're there check out

Where you can find the best cult, exploitation and/or just normal Hollywood releases at great prices and from a great store!

Thank you VERY MUCH for supporting FREE independent CREATIVE internet content. The more you do, the better you feel... trust me.

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Jon Cross Jon Cross

The After Movie Diner's 2nd Alternate Oscars

OK so the Oscar noms have come out again for another year and yet again it reads like a list of predictable boring, beige tedium, some over enflated Hollywood "serious" films to have come out in the last month and a half (because the academy are mostly old farts with the combined memory span of a guppy fish) and only a couple of nods in the right direction (and those mainly being for anything involving Argo or Moonrise Kingdom).

So we will again be hosting the After Movie Diner Alternate Oscar show this year on Monday February 25th!

So please E-MAIL me at with your alternate nominations.

The rules are simple: The film HAS to have come out for the FIRST time in 2012 on any format - theatrical, straight to video, on demand - ANYTHING as long as it had its FIRST release any day of 2012.
Let's get those NOMS in!!

Hear last year's show here:
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Jon Cross Jon Cross

Cross Words

This blog post is just to announce my wife's fantastic new website:

As an aspiring writer, a sometime photographer and occasional guest on the After Movie Diner Podcast you will find short stories, quotes of the day, film reviews, photos and her podcast episodes.

I really urge you all to give it a look, her short stories alone are a fantastic read.


Proprietor of The After Movie Diner
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Jon Cross Jon Cross

October = HORROR

Hello one and hello all.
Yes it's almost time for us all to fall into the scariest month of the year: October! and for all of us here at the After Movie Diner Blog & Podcast it's definitely our favourite month of the year. That annoying sun isn't around as much, that stupid heat is dwindling and it's time for us to tear into our respective horror collections with willful abandon!

To this end I have decided to present this list of a selection of my collection and ask you the listeners/readers which films you'd like to hear covered on the After Movie Diner Podcast.
My intent is to watch as many of the following films below as possible between now and Oct 31st, mainly for my own enjoyment BUT whatever films prove popular between now and October 1st, either in the comments section below, on Twitter or Facebook I will cover them either as 1 minute reviews or as main show subjects in the 4 shows I do in October.
So it's simple - read the list below and let me know what you want reviewing either in the comments section
by e-mail:
on twitter:
and on facebook:


Films (in no particular order):
Maniac Cop Trilogy
Waxwork 1 & 2
Drag Me To Hell
Halloween 2-7
Someone's Watching Me (Early carpenter flick)
Prince of Darkness
Black Christmas
Terror Train
The Prowler
Night School
Slumber Party Massacre trilogy
All or Any of the Nightmare on Elm Streets
Puppet Master 1-9
Demonic Toys
Dollman Vs Demonic Toys
The Hand
Scream 1-4
Deep Red
Sleepless (later Argento)
Eyes of a Stranger
Color Me Blood Red
Gruesome Twosome
The Pit & the Pendulum (Vincent Price/Corman)
The Raven (Vincent Price/Corman)
Night of the Hunter
The Hitcher (original - please!)
Alone in the Dark
Raw Meat
Rosemary's Baby
Demon Seed
Omen 1-3
The Prophecy 1-5
Final Destination 1-3
Phantasm 1-4
Deadly Friend (Wes Craven)
From Beyond The Grave
The Crazies (original Vs remake)
The Dark Half
The Living Dead in the Manchester Morgue
Return of the Living Dead 1-3
Dead Snow
28 Days Later
28 Weeks Later
Fright Night
Black Sheep
Blood Island Trilogy
Q the Winged Serpent
The Stuff
Critters 1-4
Psycho (original - of course!!)
The Birds
Cemetery Man
Aerobicide/Killer Workout
Chopping Mall
Horror Express
Meat-cleaver Massacre
Rats (1982)
Shock Waves
Street Trash
The Pit
The Mutilator
The Video Dead
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Jon Cross Jon Cross

Independant Film-Makers! We want to hear from YOU!

SOON The After Movie Diner will be delving back into the world of Independent film making with 3 movies from some truly great folk in the Baltimore, Maryland area:
The Lee Doll films 'The Fixer' and 'Little Bit of Love'
ROULETTE: a film by Erik Kristopher Myers

We've also got an interview with a gentleman about to set out to make his first film in New Zealand!

This got us thinking about a regular independent film-maker spotlight on the show. We could chat about the film, review the film and even offer our listeners the chance to win a copy of your film, putting your creative hard work into the hands of an awesome film fan!

SO we want to hear from all independent film-makers!
If you're doing something different, creative, independently minded and if you've got a film that you're anxious to talk about or get in people's hands then drop us a line at

We accept any and all applications from features to short films and web series but we reserve the right to only cover the films we choose. The After Movie Diner strongly supports independent content and we recognise the hard work, effort and energy that goes into producing anything but will not be able to cover everything so a space on the show will be at producers discretion.

THANK YOU and we can't wait to see what you've come up with!
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Jon Cross Jon Cross

The Diner and The Basement JOIN UP for the FIRST time!

Large eared regular listeners and visitors are hopefully aware that, for at least, 2/3rds of the Diner's existence as a podcast we have carried the 2nd Unit Podcast Network logo and every show you hear a list of fantastic shows that we are so very honoured to walk side by side with.

Well one of the very best shows around is We Came From The Basement featuring the ever jovial film and music aficionados Jason and Shawn.

There was much talk about getting the 2nd Unit guys together to do round-table shows or cross-over shows and while we have all, at one time or another, appeared in some capacity on each other's shows this will be the first time where to get the FULL EXPERIENCE of the conversation you will have to listen to BOTH shows.

Yes on August 20th in the Diner -
and on August 25th in the Basement - We Came From The Basement
Jason, Shawn and Myself will unite in a podcasting frenzy of awesome to provide you with, what I hope is just the first,
Cliff-Hanger Podcast Cross Over Extravaganza!
We will be discussing 2 1970s Peter Fonda starring Road Movie type films!
First up is:

Dirty Mary, Crazy Larry

A rip roaring yet existential cops and robbers chase flick chock full of awesome lines, hair-raising stunts and groovy hair!

and then we've got...
Race With The Devil
Where Fonda (again), Warren Oates & Loretta Swit go up against Texan Devil worshippers in a road chase for their sanity and ultimately their lives!

Exciting, nerve wracking and fun!

Both shows will be posted at: and
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Jon Cross Jon Cross

The Podcast from the After Movie Diner TURNS 1 on July 23rd

Yes, The After Movie Diner Podcast turns 1 years old on July 23rd and to celebrate we are doing a
We have fans of the series, friends of the show AND



The Ladies of the Evil Dead 

& Hal Delrich the STARS of the film!!

and the surprise interview with a pivotal and invaluable someone from behind the scenes on the film can now be revealed!!

I am so VERY HAPPY to announce we have special effects and make up wizard extraordinaire 

Tom Sullivan!

on the After Movie Diner! 

So JOIN US won't you for the
ever produced.
It's BY the Fans, FOR the Fans!

Podcast Blog:
Twitter: @aftermoviediner     
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Jon Cross Jon Cross

NEW SHOW! Dr.Action and the Kick Ass Kid

The After Movie Diner PODCAST has a sister show:
Dr.Action and The Kick Ass Kid Commentaries: This Podcast Explodes!!

Every week they bring you an 80s or 90s action film commentary, if you're watching your action without them then you're doing it wrong!!

Find them here:
on Talkshoe:
on iTunes:
on Facebook:
on Twitter: @DrActionKickAss
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Jon Cross Jon Cross

The After Movie Diner on the COMIC BOOKED Podcast Episode 16

I was very honoured recently to be asked for an interview by John and Lucas for their podcast as part of the Comic Booked website

We covered a multitude of topics such as:
Our recent nomination in the TLA Cult Awards
Our Independents and Alternative oscar shows
The Godfather
Evil Dead
Bruce Campbell
Fright Night
Sam Raimi
Clash of the Titans
Kevin Smith
and yes, of course, Billy Zane

It was a fantastic little chat, utterly surprised me to get the request but I was very happy to oblige. Please check out this, all their other podcasts and the whole website over at

You can hear and download the show here:
or on iTunes

Thanks again guys!
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Jon Cross Jon Cross

The After Movie Diner Podcast NOMINATED for TLA CULT AWARD!

The After Movie Diner is extraordinarily proud to have been nominated for a TLA Cult Award!!
We can be found in the BEST WEBSITE/BLOG/PODCAST/WHATEVER category.
Please please go and vote!
VOTE NOW! It would be amazing! Thank you!!

You do not have to vote in all categories if you don't want to
Voting is open to everyone. There is no limit on the number of votes you may cast!!
To vote scroll down the page till you see my category, click on my logo to highlight it with a yellow square around it and then scroll further down and hit VOTE
Do it MULTIPLE times please!!!!!

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Jon Cross Jon Cross

The AMD Alternative Oscar Nominations 2012

Ok so here they are the various nominations for the After Movie Diner alternative Oscars!

Please read, pick your favourites, vote by either commenting on this blog or e-mailing
and then don't forget to TUNE IN to the After Movie Diner Podcast on Monday 27th Feb to hear us discuss it and officially pick our winners for 2012!!!

If you want to be inculded:

Best Actor
Jason Statham (KE)
John Goodman, Michael Parkes(RS)
M Smiley (Kill List)
A Serkis (RPOTA)
Ryan Gosling, Ron Perlman (Drive)
William Fichtner (DA)
Banderas(Skin I live in)
Otto Jespersen (TH)
Robert Downey, Jr – Sherlock Holmes 2
Jason Statham – Killer Elite
Daniel Craig – Cowboys and Aliens
Patrick Wilson - Insidious

Best Supporting Actor
Andy Serkis – Rise of the Planet of the Apes
John Goodman – Red State

Best Actress
Mellisa Leo (RS)
Cary Mulligan (Drive)
MyAnna Buring (Kill List)
Zoe Saldana (Columbiana)
Elena Anaya (Skin I live in)
Saoirse Ronan – Hanna
Depressing and English, so no chance of an Oscar nod, but Olivia Coleman - Tyrannosaur

Best Supporting Actress
Mila Kunis – Friends with Benefits
Elle Fanning – Super 8
Melissa Leo – Red State

Best Screenplay
Kevin Smith(RS)
Ben Ripley(Source Code)
Matt Sherring(KE)
Andrew Niccol – In Time

Best Director
Matthew Vaughan (X-men)
Jason Eisner (Hobo)
Kevin Smith (RS)
Ben Wheatly (KillList)
Nicolas Winding Refn (Drive)
Duncan Jones (Source Code)
Gary McKendry (Killer Elite)
Andre Ovredal (TH)
Kenneth Branagh – Thor
JJ. Abrams – Super 8
Neil Burger – Limitless
Jonathan Liebesman – Battle Los Angeles

Best actor, Director, Screenplay with no more than four words, Original score that isn’t entirely original
The Artist

Best adapted screenplay
Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy. If you want action, you need to read The Spy Who Came In From The Cold or similar. Fuck all happens in this one, very slowly. A bit like Drive, but with more actual driving.

Best foreign language film, Best Action, Best Use of Cows
13 Assassins

Best animated film
Kung Fu Panda 2 was fun, but Rango was genius, although kids probably sat there thinking ‘what the fuck is this about?’

For making beige look so good….Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy

Documentary feature
Senna – nuff said

Crazy Stupid Love

Best Horror
Troll Hunter
Paranormal Activity 3
Tucker & Dale vs Evil
Dream Home
Kill List

Best Overall Film
13 Assassins
Red State
Hobo with a Shotgun
Killer Elite
Source Code
Skin I Live in
Drive Angry
A Serbian Film
Rise of Planet Of The Apes
Fast Five
In Time
You’ll disagree with me, but this was Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy. I’d happily watch the directors cut with an extra hour of beige men sitting in smoky beige rooms. drinking tea. Then watch the outakes. Followed by the commentary

Most Disappointing Film
Drive – no acting (looking doleful doesn’t count), no tension, precious little driving.

Shame – what a terrible time you must have being quite well off and having lots of sex. Pull yourself together you divot.

Girl with the Dragon Tattoo. More Bergerac than Midsommer Murders for me, On an island and everyone is slightly posh apart from the obvious bit of rough. Maybe John Nettles is available if Craig doesn’t want to come back for more?


The Life Time Achievement for Most Underrated Films of All Time
Escape from LA
Brain Candy
Blood in blood out
Rivers edge
Eagle vs shark
Tao of steve
Run ronny run
Summer camp nightmare
Hawk the slayer
Grosse pointe blank

Crimes to cinema:
Pointless useless remakes
Straw Dogs
Girl with the Dragon Tattoo

The best of what Moe 'Drunk On VHS' Porne watched in 2011
Metalstorm: The Destruction of Jared Syn
Shock 'Em Dead
Hamburger: The Motion Picture
Class of 1999
Death Drug
Karate Cop
Body Rock
Las Vegas BloodBath

The Craziest
Birdemic: Shock and Terror! - Could actually be a contender for worst movie, but the experience of seeing the film with an audience and all the drunken craziness involved with the screening made for a really amazing experience. The Screening I went to featured the local chapter of the Jerry Owen Fan Club (Jerry is a character who appears in the film for maybe 3 minutes, but the kids love him)

The Absolute Worst!
Though probably not a huge surprise for anyone who follows the No Budget Nightmares Podcast hosted by Doug Tilley and myself, but my pick for worst movie watched in 2011 is quite easily

Hip Hop Locos - The story of 2 cholos looking to rob, steal, and kill their way into the music industry. Every line of this film ends with "ese" or "homes"...I think it actually may do a better job of setting back hispanic's rights than any chapter of the KKK could ever do!

AND LASTLY, From David De Moss 
The AYTIWS Awards for 2011

Nothing unites the rising generation of film critics like contempt for the Academy Awards. So in the spirit of Judd Nelson telling the four-faced, hovering octopus monster that “I have nothing but contempt for this court,” allow me to present a slate of awards to the few films of 2011 I actually managed to see.

The Carl Gustav Jung Award for Archetypical Critical Darling
goes to “Drive,” for being a slow, plodding, staring contest of a predictable crime thriller punctuated by brief moments of violence sure to shock anyone who's doesn't watch low budget horror movies on a regular basis. i.e., professional critics, who are nothing if not creatures of habit. Read any one of them around about the second week of August and you'll see the signs of Summer Blockbuster burnout in full force. The biggest sign being their unreserved praise of the first passably-directed, pretentiously “smart” film they come across. Drive just so happened to be last years lottery winner: not bad, but genuinely overrated by virtue of the fact it stuck out like a sore thumb in the summer of Fast Five, Harry Potter 7.2 and Transformers: Darkside of My Ass.

The Snakes on a Plane Award for Biggest Disappointment
goes to “Captain America: The First Avenger” for being a thirty minute Captain America movie inexpertly stapled to a forty-five minute trailer for The Avengers, as its title helpfully warns. I would give this award to Thor but I've never cared about Thor and not even the combined powers of Natalie Portman and Kenneth Branagh could change that. I occasionally give a crap about Captain America but ours is a toxic relationship since the red white and blue bastards burned me for four movies running. I don't blame anyone involved: all three of 2011's Marvel movies had “Studio Interference” written all over them. But I wouldn't have been so disappointed if those first thirty minutes weren't so damn good. So step forward, Joe Johnston and know that The Rocketeer is still your best film.

The “I've Been Wondering, What Are Midichlorians?” Award for Franchise Murder
once again goes to Michael Bay and Producer-in-Name-Only Steve Speilberg for their Transformers franchise, of which Transformers 3 is but the latest vile emanation. While not as openly racist as its predecessors, Dark of the Moon still manages just as much of an onerous uphill slog through boredom, stupidity and incoherent visual noise. Except its even longer, so I'll say no more about it here, because there are worse things to discuss.

The Pizza Box Full of Dogshit Award for Worst Movie of the Year
(that I personally saw) goes to...(dramatic pause) Green Lantern. Bad enough it was a Top Gun rip-off that completely missed the point of Top Gun by recasting Iceman as a Chick (or a Pink-skinned alien, depending on your reading). Bad enough its director obviously did not give two shits about the material. Bad enough they chose to make the film about the most boring character to ever bear the name in the franchise's seventy year history. (So boring, in fact, that he's recently had his history re-written to be more of a Top Gun rip-off.) Bad enough they consigned one comic's largest and most visually-diverse casts of characters to the not-done-yet CGI background. They had to top all that stupidity off by hiring Ryan Reynolds, the rich man's Jason Lee. Because there's a hero for The People.

And there are my awards, honoring to the four films of last year that actively pissed me off. I'd put together a competing slate of awards for those few films I actually liked but, in an experience I'm sure you'll recognize, all of those turned out to be older releases, mostly from last century. And so it goes.
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Jon Cross Jon Cross

Don Dohler-Fest 2 coming to The After Movie Diner Podcast featuring Interview with GEORGE STOVER

The is week on Monday February 6th 
the After Movie Diner Podcast
is continuing its coverage of 
Don Dohler films 
with Galaxy Invader and Alien Factor 2


Whole film!!


and I haven't even got to the
yet and that is that this week's episode features
Yes the actor who starred in ALL of Don's movies in one way or other comes on the show to tell us all about how he met and what it was like working with 'The Family Dohler' of crew and cast, his favourite of the roles and films and much much more!
Check it out MONDAY FEBRUARY 6th
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Jon Cross Jon Cross

Alternative Oscars Competition

This year the Oscars are a bloody shambles. A bunch of wishy washy, boring, uninspiring and incorrect nominations, although a fair reflection of just how there really weren't many good films in 2011.
Most were boring and bad.
or were they?

For my Feb 27th show on the After Movie Diner PODCAST I will be hosting the Alternative Oscars and I would like to put a shout out here and ask everyone to e-mail me their noms for 2011 that the academy wouldn't go near. The noms can be anything you like, go wild!
Best supporting actor in a titty flick
whatever you want

It just has to have been given some sort of first time release in 2011 (dvd included) and it can't be nominated for an Oscar and that's it.

All submissions to by feb 6th please

I will then organise the nominations, work out my own categories and put it up on my site for a vote!
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Jon Cross Jon Cross


It's HERE - to Listen to the show click the link below!


'A Fistful of Dohlers'
A look at the life & films of one Mr. Don Dohler
available on Hulu or to rent and buy from Amazon

Nick, Phil and Myself will look at 3 of Dohler's early Sci-Fi and Horror films
Alien Factor (1978)
Watch on YouTube

Fiend (1980)
Watch on YouTube

Blood Massacre (1991)
Only trailer currently available online

Those not familiar with Don Dohler he is a no-budget Baltimore based Horror and Sci-Fi director who, since watching the EXCELLENT documentary and 4 of his 5 early films, I have become hugely enamored with.

We discussed Nightbeast (another of his films) on an earlier podcast

I can't suggest him too highly for fans of B-Movies, schlock, creature features and horror.
Get ready because a FIST FULL OF DOHLERS is coming your way!
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Jon Cross Jon Cross


The After Movie Diner has finally gone audio with an AMD Podcast series! and while continuing to write reviews on here (and I promise I will continue to write reviews on here) I will also be attempting a fairly frequent podcast too with a series of guests.

The first episode is already up and can be heard and downloaded here, for iTunes users please click the iTunes button to download and subscribe that way:

and if you're already a user and want to remain so, then the sister website which will also be hosting the podcast is here:

Also I will have widget on this website that will allow you to listen to it here as well. Just look in the right hand column.

Thanks for all of your continuing support, please download, listen, enjoy, share and spread the word!
Thank you.
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