Woods and Weller
Fascinated by the work of two B Tier thesps, James Woods and Peter Weller, Jon Wallace and Jon Cross have, over the last few years, attempted to cover as much of their diverse careers as possible. With the latest episode of The After Movie Diner Podcast being a double bill of Peter Weller films, I thought it was time they finally had their own home on the site.
So please take a listen to the following podcasts to learn all about the rich and varied world of Woods and Weller!
Jon Wallace and Jon Cross finally continue their coverage of all things Peter Weller with a double bill of made-for-TV/straight-to-Video detective offerings from the 90s - Rainbow Drive (the second Bobby Roth film we’ve covered!) and Sunset Grill AKA Hotel Moustache
Jon Wallace and Jon Cross are back for one last trudge through the sweet meadows and thick rugged trees of the dense Woods and Weller Land with Badge of the Assassin and The Adventures of Buckaroo Banzai Across the 8th Dimension.
Back in the Diner after a spell, Jon Wallace joins us again for what is our penultimate exploration of all things James Woods and Peter Weller related. Oliver Stone's Salvador and George P Cosmatos's Of Unknown Origin.
Jon Wallace and I can't have too much Woods and Weller in our life and so, continuing our series on these two second-tier titans, we present, for your listening pleasure, our discussion of bonkers action film Fifty/Fifty and boxing hustle picture Diggstown.
Jon Wallace joins us back in The Diner to talk two more Woods and Weller classics - Robocop and Best Seller!
Back in the world of Woods and Weller, Jon Wallace and I take a look at David Cronenberg's Naked Lunch and The Hard Way.
This week Jon Wallace is back again to discuss James Woods in Killer, A Journal of a Murderer
and Peter Weller in Screamers.
It's the third part of our delve into the depths of Woods and Weller with Jon Wallace and we look at Leviathan and True Believer.
Jon Wallace and Jon Cross talk Woods and Weller in a pair of "corrupt cop" movies - Cop and Shakedown
I can’t believe it happened! The legendary and iconic Dr.Peter Weller joins me, Jon Cross in the booth to tell stories about Of Unknown Origin, Shakedown, Screamers, Naked Lunch, Jazz, James Woods and much more! It’s a trip man! Have a listen!