Drunk on VHS - The Archive
We thought that Drunk On VHS, the awesome and hilarious movie podcast show, hosted by the wonderful Moe Porne, had been lost forever.
The show never existed in one place the whole time, it moved around a lot. The only constant of the show was the host, Moe Porne.
Having found a few odd episodes on an old hard drive, we here at The After Movie Diner figured, instead of them going to waste, why not put them up on the website?
With Moe's blessing and having created all new artwork, we are very proud to be able to present The Drunk on VHS archive!
Jon Cross and Matt Poirier discuss the Rutger Hauer Mad Max style sports movie, Blood of Heroes AKA Salute of the Jugger.
Jon Cross and Jamie Sammons join Moe Porne to discuss VHS, cult, weirdo movie, Zipperface
Moe Porne and his guests discuss Android Cop... and they don't exactly enjoy it.
Matt Poirier and Jon Cross join Moe Porne to discuss the Jim Wynorski cult classic, Hard To Die.
Moe Porne and Doug Tilley talk Django movies.
Jon Cross and Doug Tilley join Moe Porne to discuss Larry Cohen's Q The Winged Serpent.
Jamie Sammons and Jon Cross join Moe Porne to discuss Never Too Young To Die
Moe and Jamie D Sammons (née Jenkins) discuss one of Moe's great cinematic loves, Eddie Deezen!
Moe Porne and his guests discuss the Queen of action cinema, Pam Grier.
Ashley Montgomery and Wicker Bill join Moe Porne to talk about movies they're ashamed to have not seen yet.
Moe Porne talks to Jamie Sammons and Ralph Santiago about movies that offend them. (if there really is such a thing)
Jon Cross and Doug Tilley join Moe Porne to discuss the Dan Ackroyd flop, Nothing But Trouble.
Moe, Jon Cross and Eric Martin talk about Troma and the world of independent film and just how necessary it is.
Moe Porne and guest Mark Smith discuss the infamous Video Nasties!
Dr.Action and the Kick Ass Kid drop in to Drunk on VHS to talk Gary Daniels' back fetish and 80s and 90s action films.
The first time Jon Cross ever joined Moe and Bosh on Drunk on VHS and discussed 80s Sex Romps: Hot Dog, Hamburger: The Motion Picture and Lemon Popsicle for Halloween!
This week the guys give their usual format the backseat so we can discuss: Ron Lee Marchini - low budget action film star and general deadpan actor (with Brett)
Afterwards we get a little sentimental and discuss why it is we love VHS so much...
In this week's episode Moe has to endure Bosh's new Character "Gator Bosh" and the lads discuss:
Straight outta the trailer park: Coming Attractions!
Least Favorite Movie Tough Guys: Moe's pick is likely to cause some hate mail
In this episode Moe and Bosh discuss ninjaless ninjas and:
Straight out of the trailer park - Coming Attractions
Least Favorite (or Lamest) Movie Tough Guys -
Bosh's Pick Burial Boys with Special Guest E.M. Scrader
On this episode Moe and Bosh bring you the best from the trailer park in Coming Attractions and discuss remakes with Think Fast recording artist Chris Legg from Blackened (and Brett)
On this episode the guys get a little silly and discuss:
Straight outta the Trailer Park - Coming Attractions
Review: Ticker The Greatest Arnold Schwarzenegger One Liners
On this special Animated podcast the lads discuss:
Coming Attractions - all the best and worst straight out of the trailer park
Studio Ghibli - Heyao Miyazaki
Bad Animated Films - Delgo Review - How to train your dragon
This week the guys bring you a retro podcast. Moe and Bosh discuss:
Coming attractions: the good, the bad, and the ugly from around the "trailer" park
The 3D gimmick: a brief history and why we kinda hate it
This episode is not so much an episode as it is a review of the films we purchased during our monthly trip to buy movies to review.
In this episode The guys discuss:
Coming Attractions: The good, the bad, and the ugly of movie trailers, our favorite movie tough guys and we review Greenburg and Kick Ass
Jon Cross and Moe Porne talk about sex, pornography and dirty shit.