EPISODE 77 - It's Fifty/Fifty Weller and Diggstown Woods

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You know how they say you can't have too much of a good thing?
Well, the wonderful Jon Wallace and I can't have too much Woods and Weller in our life and so, continuing our series on these two second-tier titans, we present, for your listening pleasure, our discussion of bonkers action film Fifty/Fifty and boxing hustle picture Diggstown.

We also take time out for Jon to tell us all about Sam Raimi's latest Disney skirmish Oz: The Great and Powerful, to discuss Olympus Has Fallen and work out the laziest and possibly most self indulgent Hollywood movie of 2013

Along with the usual comedy and music I don't know how we can't win!
Take a listen, won't you...

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Jon Cross

The After Movie Diner website is Jon's baby, puppy, kitten and prized Faberge egg all rolled in to one. He may even like it more than his beard.




Guest Spot 25 - Bloodbaths and Boomsticks - Episode 55 "the pack a lunch edition"