EPISODE 81 - The Salvador Woods and Of Weller's Unknown Origin
Back in the Diner after a spell, Jon Wallace joins us again for what is our penultimate exploration of all things James Woods and Peter Weller related. Oliver Stone's Salvador and George P Cosmatos's Of Unknown Origin.
EPISODE 77 - It's Fifty/Fifty Weller and Diggstown Woods
Jon Wallace and I can't have too much Woods and Weller in our life and so, continuing our series on these two second-tier titans, we present, for your listening pleasure, our discussion of bonkers action film Fifty/Fifty and boxing hustle picture Diggstown.
EPISODE 74 - Robocop's Best Seller is another Woods and Weller!
Jon Wallace joins us back in The Diner to talk two more Woods and Weller classics - Robocop and Best Seller!
EPISODE 72 - The Hard Way to a Naked Lunch
Back in the world of Woods and Weller, Jon Wallace and I take a look at David Cronenberg's Naked Lunch and The Hard Way.
EPISODE 71 - Killer Woods & Weller Screamers/Zero Dark Thirty & Bullet to the Head
This week Jon Wallace is back again to discuss James Woods in Killer, A Journal of a Murderer
and Peter Weller in Screamers.
EPISODE 69 - WELLER and WOODS ' 89 - Leviathan/True Believer
It's the third part of our delve into the depths of Woods and Weller with Jon Wallace and we look at Leviathan and True Believer.
EPISODE 68 - Corrupt Cops/James Woods' Cop/Shakedown/Gangster Squad
Jon Wallace and Jon Cross talk Woods and Weller in a pair of "corrupt cop" movies - Cop and Shakedown
EPISODE 61 - Bucking the trend - an Interview with Andrew Buckley
Jon Cross talks to Andrew Buckley about Britain, Canada, British TV and Andrew's novel Death, The Devil and the Goldfish.
EPISODE 60 - The Jason Statham Transporter Special
We invited the doctor of action himself, Paul Crowson, on the show to discuss Jason Statham goodness in The Transporter trilogy!.
EPISODE 59 - The Sorority Diner Party Massacre Horrortober Special
Axl from the excellent Profondo Cinema podcast to join me and together we braved the, actually, surprisingly cool and entertaining waters of The Slumber Party Massacre Trilogy and Sorority House Massacre 1 & 2.
EPISODE 55 - The Independents 2: Don't Let The Riverbeast Get You/The Fixer
We review Don't Let The Riverbeast Get You and The Fixer in our second episode looking at truly independent talent.
EPISODE 52 - Tom Waits/Down By Law/Wristcutters: A Love Story/Cameos
Moe Porne drops by the Diner to talk the film acting work of Mr. Tom Waits.
EPISODE 51 - Expendables 1 & 2
Dr. Action himself, Mr. Paul Crowson joins me and we discuss, rant, geek out and have mammoth mangasms over the action film behemoths Expendables and Expendables 2
EPISODE 45 - Bob Hoskins 80s British Crime Double Bill - The Long Good Friday/Mona Lisa
Moe Porne joins Jon Cross to talk two Bob Hoskins 80s British classics: The Long Good Friday and Mona Lisa!
EPISODE 43 - Jason Statham Special #1/Crank/Crank 2:High Voltage
The wonderful Paul Crowson (AKA Dr.Action) joins us for the first of many Jason Statham specials to discuss a double bill of Crank brilliance!
EPISODE 42 - For a Few Dohler's More/Harvesters/Stakes/Leanna Chamish interview
We have lassoed the same team back together of Dr. Nick Consol and a Ramblin' Philip Rowan to discuss the horror/sci-fi masterpieces that are Harvesters and Stakes by Don Dohler and Joe Ripple.
EPISODE 41 - Philadelphia Comic-Con 2012 SPECIAL featuring Buffy Special/Stan Lee/James Hong/Princess Horror
Jon Cross hits up Philadelphia Wizard World Comic-Con in 2012 and talks to stars of Buffy, prolific character actor, James Hong and various other attendees.
EPISODE 37 - A Hammer Sandwich: Hound of the Baskervilles & The Satanic Rites of Dracula - Cushing and Lee Double Bill
On this episode, Mr. Jim Wallace and I discuss TWO films from the British Hammer horror studios: The Hound of The Baskervilles (1959) and The Satanic Rights of Dracula (1974 AKA Dracula and his Vampire Brides) - it's a Cushing and Lee Double Bill!
EPISODE 34 - Maximum Goldblum/John Carpenter/George A Romero/Spaced
JScott from Profondo Cinema and Jon Cross talk Into The Night, Transylvania 6-5000 and the Life Aquatic as they delve into some Maximum Goldblum!
EPISODE 32 - The Independents - Worm/Familiar/Freaky Farley/Monsters, Marriage and Murder in Manchvegas
This week we are talking Independent filmmakers and musicians. We look at some celebrated shorts and a couple of fantastic features!