The Kitchen Tapes - a new album by William Sadler
Jon Cross reviews the phenomenal character actor, William Sadler’s new, and debut, album, The Kitchen Tapes.
Season 2 Ep 4: Interview with William Sadler 3: Back with a Vengeance (and a new album)
Hear the multi-talented William Sadler talk about his new album, The Kitchen Tapes, his recent, independent film work, working with Karen Allen, the time Dweezil Zappa borrowed his guitar, working with James Spader, advice on how I go about making my movie and much much more!! ENJOY!
Ep 353 - Donald Pleasence Double Bill - The Uncanny & House of Usher
Jon Cross and long suffering, regular co-host Jim Wallace bid a fond farewell to the podcast, back in an actual diner for the first time in 2 1/2 years, by talking a Donald Pleasence double bill of The Uncanny & House of Usher.
Episode 352 - Demonoid
Jon Cross and special guest Kirk Howle discuss the Mexican, possessed-hand, horror film - Demonoid
Episode 345 - Class of 1999
We’ve got albino, mulleted Stacy Keach, robot Pam Grier, a new announcer, the host of The Projection Booth podcast, Mike White, new music from Miscellaneous Plumbing Fixtures and much more on our Class of 1999 episode!
Episode 344 - Crawler - One More Dohler for the Tip Jar - Don but not Forgotten
When we started down the road of exploring the works of Baltimore king of the B Movies, Don Dohler, 10 years ago, we never knew just where it would take us. Well it turns out that it has influenced and been threaded through all 10 years of this podcast. Learn about that and his last released movie, Crawler on this exciting episode with guests Nick Consol and Phil Rowan, the New York Dohlerites!
Episode 340 - Wrath of Man
This week Jim and Jon talk about mad ice cream vendors, they go deep into all sorts of conversations and theories regarding the new Guy Ritchie and Jason Statham movie, Wrath of Man and there’s also another great shed based email from listener, Robin Doyle!
Episode 339 - 1922
Jon starts his journey delving into modern horror with a look at 2017’s Netflix Stephen King adaptation, 1922 starring Thomas Jane.
Episode 337 - Breach
On this episode Jim Wallace implausibly manages to get Jon Cross to watch and talk about (at length) the low budget Bruce Willis, Sci-Fi movie Breach directed by someone very lazy who once made a Dove commercial.
Episode 335 - Christine
Off the back of our Stephen King/Emilio Estevez discussion last week, it was decided to tackle another King film but we didn’t stray far from Maximum Overdrive, sticking, as we do, with a killer vehicle movie - John Carpenter’s Christine.
Episode 318 - Jack Reed: A Search for Justice
The 9th Podcasting Birthday is also known as the Dennehy Birthday. To that end, Jim Wallace and Jon Cross wade into the vast Dennehy waters and discuss the TV Movie Jack Reed: Search for Justice which is a Dennehy written, directed and starring movie - Triple Dennehys for the price of none!
Episode 307 - Where Our Hearts Can Be a Shambles Inside Llewyn Davis
Matt Farley from Motern Media joins Jon Cross to wax rhapsodic about the new Miscellaneous Plumbing Album - Where Our Hearts Can Be A Shambles - the trials and joys of being an independent musician, the Coen Brothers’ film Inside Llewyn Davis, their plans for a big doco and more!
Episode 300 - Pray For Death/Shadow Killers Tiger Force
Old friend of the show, Doug Frye from The Schlock Treatment Podcast joins us for our 300th episode to talk Ninjas in Shadow Killers Tiger Force and Pray For Death! There’s also a SURPRISE and VERY SPECIAL guest, new comedy, music and more!
Episode 290 - Torn Curtain
Jon Cross and Jim Wallace talk Alfred Hitchcock’s Eastern Europe thriller, Torn Curtain starring Paul Newman and Julie Andrews.
Episode 289 - Brainscan
Jim Wallace and Jon Cross celebrate 8 years of The After Movie Diner by watching the 1994 horror film, Brainscan starring Edward Furlong - not because they wanted to but because the listeners demanded it.
Episode 286 - Wild Rose
Jon is joined by his amazing wife Kimberly to talk the new British/Scottish film Wild Rose starring the incredible Jessie Buckley and Julie Walters.
Episode 281 - Driftwood - A Sleazy Spader Springtime! 4: "Please Sleaze Me" No.4
Spader’s sleazy member and innate sex ability causes him to get kidnapped by a mad french woman. Host Jon Cross and guest, podcaster extraordinaire, Moe Porne wish that made for a more compelling film. Instead we talk what would happen if this had 9 sequels! On the finale of Please Sleaze Me the 4th Sleazy Spader Springtime!
Episode 273 - The Man Who Killed Hitler and then The Bigfoot
Jon Cross and Jim Wallace talk Hitler killing, Bigfoot killing, moustaches, cool cars, pathos, politics, practical effects and passion when they review The Man Who Killed Hitler and then The Bigfoot. Currently my movie of 2019 with nothing on the horizon look set to beat it.
The Big Heist steals our hearts, minds and souls with debut MO75
Jon Cross delves deep into the sprawling, dense and delightful masterpiece that is MO75 Vol 1-3 by The Big Heist and comes out an enriched and changed man.
Episode 265 - Halloween 2018 and MO75
This week we return with a slash and manage to squeeze our Halloween episode just in under the wire. Jim Wallace and Jon Cross talk Halloween 2018 and we play the new rockin' sounds of the new album from The Big Heist, MO75!