My VHS Collection - rare, weird or beloved tapes
A couple of videos where I pull out some rare, weird, funny or beloved tapes from my collection. I talk about the films, the covers, how I tend to collect tapes and what I think of other collectors who aggressively try and gate keep something that is just meant to be fun, personal and peaceful.
Ep 353 - Donald Pleasence Double Bill - The Uncanny & House of Usher
Jon Cross and long suffering, regular co-host Jim Wallace bid a fond farewell to the podcast, back in an actual diner for the first time in 2 1/2 years, by talking a Donald Pleasence double bill of The Uncanny & House of Usher.
Episode 325 - Dirty Knights' Work AKA Trial by Combat AKA A Choice of Weapons
We talk the last of our current run of Donald Pleasence movies, Dirty Knights' Work AKA Trial by Combat AKA A Choice of Weapons, a thoroughly British comedy drama about a bunch of wannabe toffs taking dress up too far and then we make an Eric Idle based decision that could end the podcast for ever!!
Episode 324 - The Devil's Men AKA Land of the Minotaur
The doldrum killers, Jim Wallace and Jon Cross are back with more Donald Pleasence based tomfoolery as they kick about in the murky, dull waters of 1970s Grecian Horror, The Devil's Men which co-stars Peter Cushing.
Episode 323 - Race for the Yankee Zephyr AKA Treasure of the Yankee Zephyr
Silly hats, camp accents, weird mountain hobos, the splendour of New Zealand, sunken treasure, chainsaws, rickety escape vehicles made out of old helicopter parts and madness and of course lots and lots of Donald Pleasence! Enjoy!
Episode 322 - Halloween 4: The Return of Michael Myers
Your hosts take a look at another Donald Pleasence classic, Halloween 4: The Return of Michael Myers
Episode 321 - Raw Meat/Death Line
The After Movie Diner Podcast splashes head first into the world of The Pleasence! Join us as we talk the 1972 horror film, Raw Meat AKA Death Line and learn all about The Pleasencing Two! The Pull of the Pleasence
Episode 296 - John Carpenter's Prince of Darkness
Marcus Pinn of Pinnland Empire joins Jon Cross to discuss John Carpenter’s Prince of Darkness from 1987
Pleasence Watch 2018 - A Pleasence Beginning
An article in which I set out to review a single movie and instead examined and extrapolated on my fandom for the one and only Donald Pleasence. Welcome to Pleasence Watch 2018!
Episode 241 - The War Eagles
This episode of the podcast is all about war, eagles (or lack thereof) and Donald Pleasence as Himmler when Jon Cross and his guest Professor Aloysius Fucknuckle (pronounced Fook-Noo-Klay) talk Where Eagles Dare and The Eagle Has Landed!
Halloween (1978)
Michael Campochiaro Vs. Michael Myers in his annual revisit of the perennial seasonal favourite, John Carpenter's Halloween (1978).
Escape from New York
Michael Campochiaro, our appreciator and caretaker of cult classics takes a look at one of the greatest, John Carpenter's iconic Escape from New York. Forever a worrying vision of the future that may have already been and gone!
The sixth of many videos exploring what great horror films you should watch this October (or HORROTOBER as we call it round here). #6 Raw Meat AKA Death Line
Episode 152 - Alone In The Dark
This week Jim Wallace and myself look at the Donald Pleasance, Martin Landau, Jack Palance and Dwight "Howling Mad Murdoch" Schultz starring horror film Alone in the Dark.