Episode 241 - The War Eagles

The War Eagles

On this highly polished, rather moist episode of the podcast, Jon Cross is joined by Professor Aloysius Fucknuckle (pronounced Fook-Noo-Klay) to discuss two war films all about eagles in which none of the feathered bastards appear - Where Eagles Dare and The Eagle Has Landed.

With a whole host of characters from Richard BurtonClint EastwoodMary Urrrreeeeee (Grandmother to Midge) and Ingrid's Pitts to My Name Is Michael CaineRobert DuvallTwiddle Dee Two Donalds SutherlandJenny Agutters and featuring Donald "Two Pictures of Hitler" Pleasence as Himmler!

It's a rip roaring tirade through the world of ornithology and war from two thoroughly British and quite often confused gentlemen. 

Trust me, you'll love it!

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Donald Sutherland and Jenny Agutter on a bike
Jon Cross

The After Movie Diner website is Jon's baby, puppy, kitten and prized Faberge egg all rolled in to one. He may even like it more than his beard.


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