Season 2 Ep 2: Sleazy Spader Springtime 6: Easy Sleazy Does It - Matt Poirier, Ideas, Writing & Crash

Joining us to talk Sleazy Spader, in the most graphical, sexual, ludicrous and mad film Spader possibly ever did, David Cronenberg's 1996 lilting soliloquy to gratuitous sex and car accidents, Crash, is friend of the show, novelist, podcaster, blogger and lover of Moxie, Matt Poirier from Direct to Video Connoisseur.

We talk writing, ideas, getting over the first act hump, the world, society, the internet, Crash, Cronenberg, Spader, humanity, machines, cars, leg wounds and lots and lots of sex.

Also find out what job Spader would've loved to have if it wasn't for the families that have a monopoly on the industry!!

It's a long one but boy is it a good time! Enjoy!

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Jon Cross

The After Movie Diner website is Jon's baby, puppy, kitten and prized Faberge egg all rolled in to one. He may even like it more than his beard.


Season 2 Ep 3: Sleazy Spader Springtime 6: Easy Sleazy Does It - Doc Paul Crowson & The Music of Chance


Season 2 Ep 1: Matt Farley, Inspiration & the Pit