Season 2 Ep 1: Matt Farley, Inspiration & the Pit — The After Movie Diner
Season 2 Ep 1: Matt Farley, Inspiration & the Pit

Season 2 Ep 1: Matt Farley, Inspiration & the Pit

The After Movie Diner is BACK! (pause for applause that... one day... will surely come) and on this episode, the first of season two, we talk with movie maker, musician, writer, author, producer, actor, director and all round creative powerhouse Matt Farley of Motern Media as we kick off this new chapter of the podcast "Jon Cross Makes a Movie"

We talk about inspiration, writing, ideas, the treacherous and bumpy roads of indie filmmaking that await me, the new book the Motern Method by our guest, Matt Farley and the insanely odd movie, The Pit

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