Episode 254 - Tuff Turf - Sleazy Spader Springtime! 3: "Tis The Sleazon" No.4

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Rick Mancrush & Marc James, from the Poop Culture Podcast, drop by to talk James Spader's first starring role in schizophrenic 80s gem, Tuff Turf which co-stars Robert Downey Jr.

Is it the 1st movie in the Marvel Cinematic Universe? why is Spader's Dad in the movie such a bum? what's with the dart guns? just who are Jack Mack and the Heart-Attacks? is James Spader lip-syncing the most disturbing thing you'll ever witness?  and much, much more!

It's the finale of Sleazy Spader Springtime 3: Tis The Sleazon so enjoy every last filthy drop!

You can find ALL our Sleazy Spader Springtime episodes HERE

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Jon Cross

The After Movie Diner website is Jon's baby, puppy, kitten and prized Faberge egg all rolled in to one. He may even like it more than his beard.


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