Episode 147 - Miscellaneous Plumbing Fixtures/Matt Farley/Ishtar/Funny Farm

This week I invite the always gracious, humorous, interesting and wonderful Matt Farley from Motern Media on to the show to interview me all about the recent release of my Miscellaneous Plumbing Fixtures album "Catch Up Or Don't, See If I Care"

We then talk struggling artist movies Ishtar and Funny Farm.

Matt suggested and convinced me to watch Ishtar and I am so glad he did, far from being the worst film ever made it is simply a flawed, interesting and, in places, hilarious film. We discuss it and Chevy Chase in Funny Farm in-depth.

It's a fascinating, self aggrandising, funny and pretty long episode.

You should all LOVE it! Especially you struggling creative types!!

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Jon Cross

The After Movie Diner website is Jon's baby, puppy, kitten and prized Faberge egg all rolled in to one. He may even like it more than his beard.


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