Episode 7 - SummerSlam
The guys are back with special guest Fred The Wolf to talk SummerSlam 2018!
Episode 6 - Cosplay
This week our intrepid, nerdy hosts talk to cosplayer and podcast host Brian Cox.
Episode 5 - Rasslin'
This week the guys have on host of The War Report, Vince Berry as we discuss all things wrestling!
Episode 4 - Blowing....Glass
This week the nerds give a Dead by Daylight update and talk with Zach Branscom about glass blowing!
Episode 3 - Comicspalooza
Episode 3 has the guys talking comics with author of Street Clothes, Travis Holyfield.
Episode 2 - The Struggle Is Real
This week the guys have on fellow nerd and gamer, Andrew Morris to discuss the trials and tribulations of switching from Friday the 13th to Dead by Daylight.
Episode 1 - Star Wars
In the premier episode of alt.nerd.obsessive Moe Porne and Josh Teeter invite Star Wars fanatic Mike Cooper on to discuss the series, toys, video games etc. and the hosts also discuss Friday the 13th: The Game.