Episode 330 - Too Much Sun
Well here it is, the finale to our Outrageously Bad Eric Idle Film Season - did we leave the most outrageously bad till last? Potentially... Come listen as Jim Wallace and Jon Cross wrestle with Robert Downey Sr’s Too Much Sun starring Eric Idle, Ralph Macchio, Robert Downey Jr., Leo Rossi and more…
Episode 329 - Missing Pieces (with special guest Robert Wuhl)
Our Eric Idle season continues with a very rare comedy caper from 1991, Missing Pieces, that we have every intention in reviving and making a huge smash hit! We also speak to one of the film’s stars, Robert Wuhl!
Episode 328 - Splitting Heirs
Our hosts wade ever deeper into the outrageously bad Eric Idle film season and discuss a film for which Mr. Idle served as writer, star and producer, Splitting Heirs - maybe having control will lead to a comedic masterpiece worthy of a former Python or maybe it leads to a hollow, confused, miscast mess - who can tell?
Episode 327 - A Wild & Weird New Year's Walken
The usual New Year gang get together to jaw about Christopher Walken movies and make the requisite amount of filthy jokes.
Episode 326 - An Alan Smithee Film: Burn Hollywood Burn
Our families pleaded with us, scientists warned against it and people shrieked in the streets saying “haven’t we suffered enough this year?!” and yet we are going ahead anyway with our chronologically backwards, deep delve into the mire of outrageously bad Eric Idle movies. First up? Why it’s An Alan Smithee Film: Burn Hollywood Burn of course!
Episode 325 - Dirty Knights' Work AKA Trial by Combat AKA A Choice of Weapons
We talk the last of our current run of Donald Pleasence movies, Dirty Knights' Work AKA Trial by Combat AKA A Choice of Weapons, a thoroughly British comedy drama about a bunch of wannabe toffs taking dress up too far and then we make an Eric Idle based decision that could end the podcast for ever!!
Episode 324 - The Devil's Men AKA Land of the Minotaur
The doldrum killers, Jim Wallace and Jon Cross are back with more Donald Pleasence based tomfoolery as they kick about in the murky, dull waters of 1970s Grecian Horror, The Devil's Men which co-stars Peter Cushing.
Episode 323 - Race for the Yankee Zephyr AKA Treasure of the Yankee Zephyr
Silly hats, camp accents, weird mountain hobos, the splendour of New Zealand, sunken treasure, chainsaws, rickety escape vehicles made out of old helicopter parts and madness and of course lots and lots of Donald Pleasence! Enjoy!
Episode 322 - Halloween 4: The Return of Michael Myers
Your hosts take a look at another Donald Pleasence classic, Halloween 4: The Return of Michael Myers
Episode 321 - Raw Meat/Death Line
The After Movie Diner Podcast splashes head first into the world of The Pleasence! Join us as we talk the 1972 horror film, Raw Meat AKA Death Line and learn all about The Pleasencing Two! The Pull of the Pleasence
Episode 320 - Code of Silence
Your wayward hosts Jim and Jon are back to talk high kicks, shabby beards and mumbly dialogue delivery as they review a Chuck Norris 80s “classic”, Code of Silence!
Episode 319 - Motherless Brooklyn
Jim Wallace and Jon Cross are back talking Edward Norton's Motherless Brooklyn starring Bruce Willis, Edward Norton, Gugu Mbatha-Raw, Willem Dafoe, Alec Baldwin and basically everyone. It’s a pretty awesome detective film set in the 50s filled with great characters.
Episode 318 - Jack Reed: A Search for Justice
The 9th Podcasting Birthday is also known as the Dennehy Birthday. To that end, Jim Wallace and Jon Cross wade into the vast Dennehy waters and discuss the TV Movie Jack Reed: Search for Justice which is a Dennehy written, directed and starring movie - Triple Dennehys for the price of none!
Episode 317 - SwitchBack
Your hosts Jon Cross and Jim Wallace discuss 1997’s serial killer thriller, SwitchBack from Jeb Stuart, the writer of Die Hard and The Fugitive, starring Dennis Quaid, Danny Glover and R Lee Ermey. The discussion gets passionate, interesting and goes to lots of different places - which is more than you can say for SwitchBack.
Episode 316 - Hotel Artemis
Hosts Jim Wallace and Jon Cross talk about Drew Pearce's 2018 Sci-Fi Actioner, Hotel Artemis starring Jodie Foster, Jeff Goldblum, Sterling K Brown, Dave Bautista and more.
Episode 315 - Keys to Tulsa - A Sleazy Spader Springtime 5: "This Time It's Sleazonal" No.4
Our intrepid explorers of James Spader’s world of sleaze, Jim Wallace and Jon Cross discuss the decidedly dud like Keys To Tulsa which co-stars Eric Bleedin’ Stoltz.
Episode 314 - Slow Burn - A Sleazy Spader Springtime 5: "This Time It's Sleazonal" No.3
For the 3rd episode of Sleazy Spader Springtime 5: This time it’s Sleazonal! Your guides to the realm of Sleazy James Spader, Jon Cross and Jim Wallace experience the slow burning sensation of 2000’s Slow Burn a film that should probably have been slowly burnt.
Episode 313 - The Stickup - A Sleazy Spader Springtime 5: "This Time It's Sleazonal" No.2
Jon Cross and Jim Wallace discover the underlying Kennedy conspiracy related to the 2002, sleazy thriller, The StickUp for this 2nd episode of Sleazy Spader Springtime 5: This time it’s Sleazonal!
Episode 312 - 2 Days in the Valley - A Sleazy Spader Springtime! 5: "This Time It's Sleazonal" No.1
Jon Cross and Jim Wallace return to the realm of the James Spader sleaze and talk 2 Days in the Valley for this 1st episode of Sleazy Spader Springtime 5: This time it’s Sleazonal!
Episode 311 - Jay Mayo's Tasty Top 5 Troma Movies
Jay Mayo joins us in the diner and rips it up with his own tasty Top 5 Troma films. We also complain heartily about idiotic and rude behaviour during the Coronavirus pandemic and why people need to be better.