Episode 315 - Keys to Tulsa - A Sleazy Spader Springtime 5: "This Time It's Sleazonal" No.4

This week, the last of Sleazy Spader Springtime 5, hosts Jon Cross and Jim Wallace suffer through Gen X White Privilege the movie, Keys to Tulsa starring possibilities vacuum and Spader's personal sleaze towelette, Eric Stoltz and Cameron Diaz as Her, not appearing really, in this film.

We talk emo strip teases, ice cream ejaculate, unnecessary racism, failure to do a simple and easy job, ginger pubes, disturbingly hairless stomachs, golf is the worst thing on the planet and much more!


You can find ALL our Sleazy Spader Springtime episodes HERE

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Jon Cross

The After Movie Diner website is Jon's baby, puppy, kitten and prized Faberge egg all rolled in to one. He may even like it more than his beard.


Episode 316 - Hotel Artemis


Episode 314 - Slow Burn - A Sleazy Spader Springtime 5: "This Time It's Sleazonal" No.3