Episode 280 - Wolf - A Sleazy Spader Springtime! 4: "Please Sleaze Me" No.3
Contributor to the Diner and renowned Pfeifferologist, Michael Campochiaro joins host Jon Cross to talk 1994’s Wolf in which James Spader delights as the exceptionally sleazy shit Stewart Swinton.
ANOTHER WOLFCOP Trailer Premiere
We have the trailer premiere for the hairier sequel to cult classic Wolfcop… Another Wolfcop!
The Women of Horrotober: Belinda Balaski in The Howling
Throughout Horrotober, Michael Campochiaro will be taking us through some of his favourite, stand out performances by the women of horror. In this second article, Michael is singing the praises of Belinda Balaski - the unsung hero of Joe Dante's excellent werewolf movie The Howling.