Episode 313 - The Stickup - A Sleazy Spader Springtime 5: "This Time It's Sleazonal" No.2
Jon Cross and Jim Wallace discover the underlying Kennedy conspiracy related to the 2002, sleazy thriller, The StickUp for this 2nd episode of Sleazy Spader Springtime 5: This time it’s Sleazonal!
Episode 251 - Starcrossed - Sleazy Spader Springtime! 3: "Tis The Sleazon" No.1
Every year this podcast delves into the pit of sleaze and iniquity that is James Spader's sex dungeon and pulls out 4 more sleazy tales of Spader filth. This week we talk how Spades’ amazing intercourse prowess saves an alien race in 1985's Starcrossed.