Re-Evaluating Ghostbusters 2016 and why it needs a bunch of sequels.
I re-watched the extended cut of Ghostbusters 2016 on Blu-Ray and something surprising happened, I liked it. So I decided to write something in its defence, while still maintaining my theory that all remakes are terrible and explaining why it needs multiple sequels.
Ghostbusters: Afterlife
Jon Cross reviews Ghostbusters: Afterlife and comes to terms with his movie based middle life crisis.
Tokyo Ghoul - New Trailer and Quad Poster
We have a new poster and the trailer for the live action re-imagining of the manga classic Tokyo Ghoul.
A Deadite's Bumpy Journey...or 'How I Stopped Complaining and Learnt to Love Bruce Campbell and The Evil Dead Again'
As the Ash vs Evil Dead Blu Ray gets released and on the eve of season two coming out, Jon Cross looks at his bumpy history of being a Bruce Campbell and Evil Dead fan.
Episode 190 - Cape Fear 1991
Matt Farley of Motern Media is back on the podcast! and this time we're talking Cape Fear 1991, remakes, using children in movies, Scorsese and De Niro and so much more.