Episode 280 - Wolf - A Sleazy Spader Springtime! 4: "Please Sleaze Me" No.3
Contributor to the Diner and renowned Pfeifferologist, Michael Campochiaro joins host Jon Cross to talk 1994’s Wolf in which James Spader delights as the exceptionally sleazy shit Stewart Swinton.
Revisiting Michelle Pfeiffer's Performance in Wolf
Michael Campochiaro, one of the most dedicated Michelle Pfeiffer pfans, has written about a pfantastic Pfeiffer performance in Mike Nichols' Wolf. It's a perfect film to revisit in light of current events.
Mother! Is Freaking People the F@#$ Out!!
Michael Campochiaro is perplexed as to why everyone freaked out over Darren Aronofsky's new film, Mother! and suggests people stop watching HGTV house makeover shows and occasionally, challenge themselves. Plus, you know, Michelle Pfeiffer...
Episode 224 - Musical Sequels - Grease 2 & Shock Treatment
Fantastic guest and all round swell gentleman, Moeseph Porné, joins Jon Cross to discuss musical sequels that may actually be better than the originals: Grease 2 and Shock Treatment.