Interview with Tom Atkins
Jon Cross talks to the man, the legend and keeper of the awesome, lady slaying, upper lip garnish, Tom Atkins - star of The Fog, Halloween III, Night of the Creeps, Maniac Cop and more!
Maniac Cop (1988)
Michael Campochiaro looks at the enduring - and still timely - cult classic horror/action film from the minds of Larry Cohen and William Lustig, Maniac Cop, starring Bruce Campbell, Tom Atkins and Robert Z'Dar.
Interview with Bruce Campbell
Jon Cross ticks something off his bucket list and talks to, the man who would be chin, the B Movie Legend, Bruce Campbell. They talk his new book, Hail To the Chin: Further Confessions of a B Movie Actor, Ash Vs. Evil Dead, Running Time, Bubba Ho-Tep, Highly Functional and MORE!
The eighth of many videos exploring what great horror films you should watch this October (or HORROTOBER as we call it round here). #8 Maniac Cop
Top 10 Odd 80s NY Movies Video
Everyone knows the big New York movies (Manhattan, Taxi Driver, Midnight Cowboy, Ghostbusters etc.) but Jon Cross puts together a list of his Top 10 odd 80s NY movies.
Interview with William Lustig
Jon Cross talks to the man behind Maniac, Vigilante, The Maniac Cop Trilogy and many others. The cult, film Director and Blu-Ray/DVD producer with Blue Underground, William Lustig.
Episode 100 Part 2 - an EXCLUSIVE William Lustig Interview
Jon Cross talks to William Lustig the brain behind the Maniac Cop franchise.
EPISODE 100 - Horrotober 5 - Robert Davi Interview/Maniac Cop Trilogy
For our huge 100th episode we review the Maniac Cop trilogy, interview Hollywood legend Robert Davi and speak to friends and guests Jon Wallace, Moe Porne and more!
EPISODE 11 - The Action Neeson/Drive/Kille Elite/Kill List/Senna/Without a Clue/Maniac Cop
Jon Wallace and Jon Cross look at Liam Neeson's recent action film career, as well as new films, British films and Bruce Campbell's corner.