Episode 330 - Too Much Sun
Well here it is, the finale to our Outrageously Bad Eric Idle Film Season - did we leave the most outrageously bad till last? Potentially... Come listen as Jim Wallace and Jon Cross wrestle with Robert Downey Sr’s Too Much Sun starring Eric Idle, Ralph Macchio, Robert Downey Jr., Leo Rossi and more…
Episode 329 - Missing Pieces (with special guest Robert Wuhl)
Our Eric Idle season continues with a very rare comedy caper from 1991, Missing Pieces, that we have every intention in reviving and making a huge smash hit! We also speak to one of the film’s stars, Robert Wuhl!
Episode 328 - Splitting Heirs
Our hosts wade ever deeper into the outrageously bad Eric Idle film season and discuss a film for which Mr. Idle served as writer, star and producer, Splitting Heirs - maybe having control will lead to a comedic masterpiece worthy of a former Python or maybe it leads to a hollow, confused, miscast mess - who can tell?
Episode 326 - An Alan Smithee Film: Burn Hollywood Burn
Our families pleaded with us, scientists warned against it and people shrieked in the streets saying “haven’t we suffered enough this year?!” and yet we are going ahead anyway with our chronologically backwards, deep delve into the mire of outrageously bad Eric Idle movies. First up? Why it’s An Alan Smithee Film: Burn Hollywood Burn of course!