"Hail to the King, Baby" 25 Years of Army of Darkness
On the 25th anniversary of the cult classic Army of Darkness, Jon Cross waxes rhapsodic about why the movie has lasted 25 years and what it means to him.
For Evil Dead Fans: Super8Shorts 2 is on its way!
Scotty Spiegel reveals the release details for Super 8 Shorts 2 featuring the pre-fame antics of the cast and crew of The Evil Dead Franchise!
Interview with Ted Raimi
Jon Cross talks to the legendary character actor Ted Raimi about his career, the Evil Dead franchise, Ash Vs Evil Dead, Lunatics: A Love Story and more!
EPISODE 10 - My Horror-able Life: Zombie Films/Army of Darkness/The Meaning of Life/Porn & Private Schools
Rather than focusing on a set of films or a particular actor this week, we basically cover the life of the people behind the podcast. Our first experience with Horror movies, gore, the Evil Dead movies and pornography.