Episode 323 - Race for the Yankee Zephyr AKA Treasure of the Yankee Zephyr
Silly hats, camp accents, weird mountain hobos, the splendour of New Zealand, sunken treasure, chainsaws, rickety escape vehicles made out of old helicopter parts and madness and of course lots and lots of Donald Pleasence! Enjoy!
Slave Girls from Beyond Infinity
Michael Campochiaro is back extolling the virtues of and waxing rhapsodic about those cult and B-Movie corners of the film universe. This time he is casting his gaze towards the stars and the excellently titled Slave Girls from Beyond Infinity starring genre icon Elizabeth Kaitan.
Warrior’s Gate
Lindsey Thomas relives the movies of her youth and finds plenty of fun in Enter The Warrior's Gate from the minds of Luc Besson and Robert Kamen