Episode 257 - 7 Years of podcasting! - Yellow Submarine 50th Anniversary
On this our 7th Anniversary of podcasting, hosts Jon Cross and Jim Wallace take in the 50th Anniversary screening of The Beatles inspired, animation classic, Yellow Submarine.
Episode 215 - Pit Stop
Mike White, host of the highly acclaimed The Projection Booth, slums it on The After Movie Diner to talk about Jack Hill's awesome, black n white, existential racing movie Pit Stop (1969).
Scream of Fear
Our Hammer Horror loving 'bloke down the pub' is enthralled by sound in 1961's claustrophobic Scream of Fear.
Frankenstein Created Woman
Our Hammer loving 'bloke down the pub' is ignoring all those nagging questions in his head and learning to just enjoy 1967's Frankenstein Created Woman.
The Evil of Frankenstein
Our favourite 'bloke down the pub' is finding that Frankenstein's memory might not be all that it's cracked up to be in the 1964's, Peter Cushing starring The Evil of Frankenstein.