EPISODE 6 - Everything you wanted to know about some Star Trek movies... but were afraid to ask

Bones Star Trek Beard

This week's episode is all about Star Trek movies, if the picture hadn't clued you in.

With wonderful serendipity it is Star Trek's 45th Birthday this week!

We discuss the new J.J. Abrams movie, the original Motion Picture, the amazingly and excellent Wrath of Khan, the filler episode, Search for Spock, the comedy whales one, Voyage Home, we by-pass the ludicrous god one that Shatner directed and go right in to part 6, The Undiscovered Country.

Now if that isn't enough Star Trek movie based chat for you then you may seriously be beyond help.

So set phasers to chat, sit back in your swivel chairs of power and have a good old listen to this week's Star Trek themed After Movie Diner podcast and, when you're done, spread the word, won't you?

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Jon Cross

The After Movie Diner website is Jon's baby, puppy, kitten and prized Faberge egg all rolled in to one. He may even like it more than his beard.


EPISODE 7 - B-Movie-Palooza: Stryker/Gone With The Pope/9 Deaths of a Ninja/Vanishing Point/Damnation Alley


EPISODE 5 - The Walking Dead and other Zombies