Episode 276 - Fighting with my Family

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Find out just how little Jim Wallace and Jon Cross know about wrestling and northern accents in this new episode of The After Movie Diner

Learn about the joys of a Skylight Frittata, insulting The Devons, finding a hair on your toast, enjoying Nick Frost, discovering the inner freak in you and so much more as our intrepid twosome sit down to eat fried junk and talk Stephen Merchant's Fighting with my Family, the true story of Paige, the WWE wrestler, starring Florence Pugh, Jack Lowden, Nick Frost, Lena Headey, Dwayne Johnson and Vince Vaughn.

Our co-host Jim Wallace’s Website: https://jeawallace.com/ and follow him on Twitter @J_E_A_Wallace. Buy his book HERE

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Jon Cross

The After Movie Diner website is Jon's baby, puppy, kitten and prized Faberge egg all rolled in to one. He may even like it more than his beard.


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