Episode 235 - NinjaVember No.2 - The Hunted & Ninja III: The Domination

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Film dorks and incredible film journalists - Brad and Lisa Gullickson from the In The Mouth of Dorkness Podcast join Jon Cross to talk two more weird and wonderful ninja movies - The Hunted (1995) starring Christopher Lambert & Ninja III: The Domination (1984) starring Lucinda Dickey and, actual, famous, real-life, expert ninja Sho Kosugi.

We talk about evil ninjas, ninja moustaches, the lack of Lambert's ninja ability, the over abundance of Kosugi's ninja prowess, the sexual ninja power contained in V8, the inherant badness of golfers and much much more...

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Jon Cross

The After Movie Diner website is Jon's baby, puppy, kitten and prized Faberge egg all rolled in to one. He may even like it more than his beard.


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