Episode 234 - NinjaVember No.1 - Ninja & Ninja 2: Shadow of a Tear

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Moe Porne and Dr. Action join Jon Cross to discuss the modern day, ninja related, action classics starring Scott AdkinsNinja & Ninja 2 directed by Isaac Florentine

Along the way we talk lots and lots of ninja talk, we review the films, we talk about the realities of being used as a ninja drug mule, we talk in silly voices, we make endless references to bathing suit areas, we talk about the heyday of action films - the 80s and 90s - and so much more!

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Hear our interview with Scott Adkins HERE
Hear our interview with Isaac Florentine HERE

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Jon Cross

The After Movie Diner website is Jon's baby, puppy, kitten and prized Faberge egg all rolled in to one. He may even like it more than his beard.


Maniac Cop (1988)


The Metropolitan Film Group Years - Scotty Spiegel's SUPER 8 SHORTS Vol. 2 - Is here!