Episode 228 - Blade Runner (The Final Cut)

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Jon Cross has returned from his break in England and Paris an engaged and happy man. Jim Wallace has been sitting around waiting for him to get back so they can hunch over some more Diner grub and discuss more movies. 

This week they got together to watch the one-night-only 4K IMAX screening of the final cut of Ridley Scott's renowned Sci-Fi classic, Blade Runner from 1982.

Hear their thoughts on the film, their history with the film and a lot more silliness on this week's weirdly French tinged show. Maybe the delights of Paris have not yet left Jon's system!

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Jon Cross

The After Movie Diner website is Jon's baby, puppy, kitten and prized Faberge egg all rolled in to one. He may even like it more than his beard.


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