Episode 220 - White Palace - A Sleazy Spader Springtime! 2: "The Sleazening" No.1

AKA "The perpetual waft of the sex sandwich"

That time of year has rolled around again. Bunny rabbits are getting sexy, allergies are causing sneazes and James Spader is getting sleazy! It's A Sleazy Spader Springtime! 2: The Sleazening

Yes, that's right, Jim Wallace and Jon Cross are back in the world of James Spader for another 4 shows and we kick it off with this year's first Spader-centric episode and the romantic drama White Palace, co-starring Susan Sarandon.

Does the film live up to its raunchy cover? Does James Spader wear a v-neck sweater? Do we see James Spader's behind? Are Spader and Sarandon right for the roles? Why was this movie even made?

All this and more WILL BE answered on this week's episode!

You can find ALL our Sleazy Spader Springtime episodes HERE

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Jon Cross

The After Movie Diner website is Jon's baby, puppy, kitten and prized Faberge egg all rolled in to one. He may even like it more than his beard.


The Wall


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