Episode 212 - Willie Dynamite

We are finally so happy and honoured to welcome Dee, Christopher (CJ) and Arris (DJ Tsu), better known as the 3 Black Geeks, on to the show! Along with host Jon Cross and regular guest Moe Porne, we talk about the Blaxploitation classic Willie Dynamite!

We talk about the costumes, the music, the social relevance, the performances and how, really, it's all just a prequel to Sesame Street!

We also discuss the first time the 3 Black Geeks each saw a Blaxploitation film, their favourites, their favourite actors, what it meant to them and their families, race, the depressing situation in the world today, movie poster art, Burt Reynolds in Malone and how long it's actually been that we've all known each other! I promise, though, it's hilarious throughout!
We go off on many, many tangents!

It's an informative, funny and awesome episode and it was such a pleasure to discuss life, film, politics and silliness with this great bunch of people!

You can find the 3 Black Geeks here: http://www.3blackgeeks.com/

and you can find Moe Porne on aftermoviediner.com here and at No Budget Nightmares


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Jon Cross

The After Movie Diner website is Jon's baby, puppy, kitten and prized Faberge egg all rolled in to one. He may even like it more than his beard.


Episode 213 - Black Belt Jones and Black Gunn


Batman Forever