Episode 210 - 48hrs & Another 48hrs (So 96hrs really)

The boys are back in town!

Yes, that's right, beardy wonder Moe Porne and your host, Jon Cross are, this week, discussing the Walter Hill, Eddie Murphy & Nick Nolte buddy cop, action films 48hrs and Another 48hrs

We also discuss Eddie Murphy's meteroic rise to superstardom and pretty catastrophic collapse into awful crap, we both do imitations of what Nick Nolte sounds like when he's trying to think and Jon comes up with the best description of how Nick Nolte moves about San Francisco which makes Moe Laugh hysterically.


You can find Moe over at The No Budget Nightmares Podcast and right here on aftermoviediner.com with his new show Dead End Drive-In!


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Jon Cross

The After Movie Diner website is Jon's baby, puppy, kitten and prized Faberge egg all rolled in to one. He may even like it more than his beard.


Episode 02 - Maniac Warriors (AKA Empire of Ash and Empire of Ash II)


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