EPISODE 21 - The Do-It-Yourself Superhero Special - Defendor/Super/Kick Ass

Back in the Diner for his second episode, newly crowned AMD Comic Book expert, David DeMoss stops by to discuss the recent phenomena of Do-It-Yourself Superhero movies. 

In particular:

and Kick Ass

Like all good things, even late London buses, these nerdy, indie, semi-comedic takes on the genre come in threes and so we have a good old chat about all of them, the plus points and their failings.

Join us won't you as the After Movie Diner gets its big ol' GEEK on. 

ALSO THIS WEEK back by popular demand the 5th EPISODE of the VINNIE GUSSET mystery The Tainted Shoe!

This week's guest David DeMoss writes for and does awesome video blogs on www.aytiws.com please check it out now!


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Jon Cross

The After Movie Diner website is Jon's baby, puppy, kitten and prized Faberge egg all rolled in to one. He may even like it more than his beard.


The AMD Christmas Extravaganza 2011!


EPISODE 20 - A Fistful of Dohler's - Alien Factor/Fiend/Blood Massacre/Blood Boob's and Beast