Episode 191 - The King of Comedy

I am happy to welcome back on to the show our third guest co-host in a row, however he is still unsure about what he feels about it.
Yes, that's right! you guessed it! It's the curmudgeon you love to crush on (I know that doesn't quite work but go with it) Marc McDonald (formerly of the now defunct Shlock Treatment podcast which he quit quite a while before it ended because... reasons) is back on the show and as hilariously miserable and confused as ever!

Hear the two of us drop inexplicable Lovejoy references while discussing the cult and, some-might-say, lost Scorsese Masterpiece, King of Comedy!

Plus grouchy comedy and half-assed music!
What's not to mildly enjoy?!

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Jon Cross

The After Movie Diner website is Jon's baby, puppy, kitten and prized Faberge egg all rolled in to one. He may even like it more than his beard.


Outlaws and Angels


Episode 190 - Cape Fear 1991