Episode 184 - Jack's Back - A Sleazy Spader Springtime!
This week we start "A sleazy Spader springtime!" which is a new series of podcasts where we've decided to cover some James Spader movies you probably haven't bothered to watch yet. Well we're going to watch them for you!
First up is Jack's Back an absolutely bonkers whodunnit-serial-killer-action-movie where we have to figure out if two Spader's means twice the sleaze (or the charm) and just what the hell is going on in this plot-hole riddled 80s film!
We re-cast the movie with Wallace Shawn, we re-cast Star Trek Enterprise with Spader, we give advice to any serial killers listening, we premiere the SPADER SLEAZE-O-METER AND we answer all your comments and e-mails!!
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