Would you vote Ash 4 President?

In this never ending, apocalyptic, ridiculous and down-right embarrassing election year there are few things that have thrilled us more here at The Diner than Ashley J Williams slicing through deadites with his chainsaw arm and throwing out a ready quip on Starz series Ash Vs. Evil Dead.

At the end of last year Ash started his own campaign for president until the Fed forced him to lay low for misusing campaign finances and generally being a bit of a loud mouth braggart. 

Now that Ash Vs Evil Dead is due back on Starz in the fall (October 2nd to be precise) and the Blu-Ray of season one was just released, Ash is back with his bid for the oval office. 

We received the following memo from his campaign office, earlier at The After Movie Diner:

We couldn't be more thrilled. As an Ash and Evil Dead fan for the last 23 years (read all about that HERE) we've done our fair share of waiting but it's good to know that every time my favourite season, autumn, rolls around we're going to get some Ash back into our lives. This last year, since the Ash Vs Evil Dead premiere, represents the first time that Ashley J Williams has had a chance to play around with social media. We all know his alter-ego Bruce Campbell was a very early adopter of the internet but Ash just learnt what tweeting is last week. He always thought it was something you did with your fingers to a lady on the back seat of his 1973 Oldsmobile Delta 88! Now he knows what it is though and just how much he can flash that winning smile and knowing wink about the place, he's campaigning hard with videos:


and handy little tweetable images:

Find all this stuff and more over at www.ash4president.com 
The twitter account is @ash4president
and the official hashtag is #Ash4President

Personally, if it means more Ash, then I am all for it! So join in the fun and games! vote in the polls! and don't forget to tune into Ash Vs Evil Dead on October 2nd! I will be!

Read my article on fandom, Evil Dead and Bruce Campbell HERE

Jon Cross

The After Movie Diner website is Jon's baby, puppy, kitten and prized Faberge egg all rolled in to one. He may even like it more than his beard.


Ms. 45


American Graffiti