Jon Cross Jon Cross

The Muppets Take Manhattan - 24th November 2010

It has been a while since we went to a midnight movie on the lower east side but I was vey happy to see a Muppet movie on the schedule and so last night, at 11:45pm we found ourselves, again, wandering into that, now familiar, awesome cinema to watch the Muppets Take Manhattan.
The Muppets, for me are one of the handful of things on this planet that make life worth living. They are one of the very few times that this sarcastic, cynical, uptight Brit revels in sheer, unapologetic joy. 
The movies, especially, have this incredible dynamic that includes sarcastic humour, slapstick, groan-worthy gags but also, through all this and because of all this, I suspect, you grow to really love and believe in the characters so that when they break into a song about love or friendship, that in a Disney movie would be some doe eyed, trite, vomit inducing ballad, it is genuinely touching and, in the best sense of the word, heartwarming. 
Now, I will admit that the Muppets have lost some of their edge of late but in the early four films, The Movie, Take Manhattan, The Caper, Christmas Carol and some scenes in the underrated Muppets from Space, you get some of the most surreal and very often, bordering on, adult comedy in what is, essentially, a children's orientated film that definitely paved the way for the mature work Pixar does now. 
For example in 'Take Manhattan' there is a scene where Gonzo gives mouth to beak resuscitation to a chicken and when asked if the chicken is alright Gonzo says "I don't know but I think we're engaged!" and then goes right back to, essentially, snogging the chicken! brilliant! 
After all, we are talking about a series of characters, geared predominately for children, where one of them is called Gonzo, who takes his name, presumably, from the word most often used about Hunter S Thompson's style of first person, character based, drug induced journalism but that also has come to mean anything weirdly real, gritty, extreme and, in a circular development, can now mean 'with reckless abandon', surely because of the character from the muppets. He, obviously, loves chickens, is something of an exhibitionist and masochist, has weird and wonderful ideas about stuff and despite, until Muppets from Space, only being referred to as a 'whatever', shows that even the outsider can fit in perfectly with the right people. 
This illustrates, again, the perfect balance the Muppets have between anarchic and sentimental that is an excellent reflection, in felt, sometimes animal based, puppets, of the best of humanity. It is that level of intelligence and focus on excellent entertainment that, for my money, makes the Muppets the very best 'for-all-the-family' entertainment there has ever been.

Now enough blabbering on about the genius of these character based hand puppets and on to reviewing the movie. 
Well, firstly, I would like to state that out of the first four, what I consider, classic Muppet movies I think 'Take Manhattan' is, definitely, the weakest. 
There just isn't a huge amount going on, apart from Kermit and Piggy a lot of the other characters are relegated to the side lines, or flashbacks and there isn't really a song in it that compares to Rainbow Connection from the first film or Happiness Hotel from Caper but it still has moments of sublime lunacy: the cafe owner Pete's insane ramblings, Kermit as a west coast agent with open shirt, medallions and a 'fro, Piggy on roller-skates, The swedish chef's version of 3-D and Kermit's amnesiac alter ego Phil and his friends from the ad agency. It also features the introduction of Muppet babies, a genuinely happy Muppet wedding featuring the fantastic and diverse casts of both Sesame Street and The Muppet Show and enough laugh out loud moments to compensate for other areas where it is sadly lacking.
The pace is very slow in places, the actress who plays Jenny is spectacularly wooden and it's a bit unnerving, in a Lea Thompson/Howard The Duck type way, to see her hug Kermit so much and there isn't really a good celebrity cameo in it, although Dabney Coleman gives it his best shot.
All in all though, the happy-go-lucky Muppet spirit is on display all the way through the film and it was great to see it with friends at a midnight screening in New York.
6 out of 10 it's tomatoes, it's city, it's peoples, it's cheese, it's potatoes.
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Jon Cross Jon Cross

Dr.Horrible's Sing-A-Long Blog - 28th August 2010

I love this DVD. I must've watched it a whole bunch of times since I bought it. It doesn't feel like anything else I have ever seen really, except of course The Buffy Musical and, although they are different genres, Rocky Horror Picture Show.
There honestly isn't a bad word to say about this internet mini series (except, of course, that there isn't enough of it - I could watch a hundred more) everything about it is wonderful. It just feels so good that something like this exists. 
As you know, from the previous Dollhouse review, I am a Joss Whedon fan and I think this is some of the cleverest, funniest stuff he's ever done. The acting, while knowingly over-the-top in some cases, is fantastic and they all have singing voices that are great to listen to and not poppy or whiny at all. For something which was made for relatively little the whole thing looks great and suitably comic book. As for the plot and characters, that they manage to pack so much into three 15 minute episodes is incredible and even with the overall goofy and knock-about nature of the thing, it is genuinely shocking and touching when the end comes around. It's funny that the only real innocent and do-gooder is punished and the egotistical Hammer and megalomaniacal Dr.Horrible get to live and yet you still go with it. The songs are also tremendously catchy and memorable without ever becoming annoying, like, for example, the Timewarp. 
On the DVD as well as an informative and fun making of you also get a musical commentary which contains songs and humour almost as great as the film itself. It's a genuine treat and ensures that this DVD never gets old.

10 out of 10 delicious ice cream and brownie deserts 
Points from the Misses 8 out of 10 delicious ice cream and brownie deserts
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Jon Cross Jon Cross

The Blues Brothers - 14th August 2010

The thrill of living in New York, for me, can be summed up in the recent bunch of midnight screenings I have attended at The Sunshine theatre on the Lower East Side. Everything from old classics to newly restored B Movies are screened there every Friday and Saturday night and it makes for a great evening in the big apple.
The last one I saw was the Blues Brothers. This falls in to the category of one of my favourite films that I have never seen on the big screen and what I am learning about that, having seen a handful of them recently (Evil Dead 1&2, Dusk Till Dawn, Taxi driver), is that until you see these films the way they were meant to be seen you really haven't seen them at all.
Now at the risk of beginning to sound like one of those seriously annoying and hunt-down-and-garrote-with-their-own-hair worthy Blu-Ray commercials that appear repeatedly at the start of DVDs, I mean to say that the soundtrack is incredible, the stunts phenomenal and the direction wondrous when you can see the whole damn thing in big-screen-a-thon and hear it in glorious sound-o-rama.
This was never more true than with The Blues Brothers and after the ecstatic reception I'd had to The Expendables not 2 hours earlier I seriously doubted my ability to be wowed again, especially by a film I must've seen a hundred times by now but I was and it was a perfect way to end the night.
My wife, who had also seen the film on DVD but had been underwhelmed at the time, completely realised how terrific it all was when she saw it up there, projected large. It is like watching baseball on television and then going to the ballpark. The ballpark wins hands down, everytime.

9 out of 10 slices of streaky bacon
Points from the Misses - 8 out of 10 slices of streaky bacon
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