Jon Cross Jon Cross

Just What the Hell is Talkshoe?

Get accustomed to Talkshoe!
What is Talkshoe I hear you cry!? well it's the place where we host The After Movie Diner podcast.
Don't have iTunes? Don't worry!
Confused with the listening/downloading instructions on my website? aren't we all!
Then come on down to Talkshoe - works exactly like iTunes, Podomatic, Podbean etc and it's all there. Every episode as an easy to download MP3!!
Link to Facebook, Twitter, get our RSS Feed, share us on any website you can think of!
EVENE Rate & Review us with none of the membership hassles of iTunes!!
Get accustomed and acquainted with Talkshoe!!!

It's also a huge community of live shoes, phone in shows, podcasts etc. You can visit and, probably, never have to leave!
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