The Women of Horrotober '17: Laurie Zimmer, Assault on Precinct 13 (1976)
Michael Campochiaro continues his fascinating and fantastic series looking at the women of genre films. This time it's Laurie Zimmer from John Carpenter's underrated classic Assault on Precinct 13 from 1976.
The Women of Horrotober '17: Shelley Duvall
Throughout Horrotober, Michael Campochiaro will be taking us through some of his favourite, stand out performances by the women of horror. In this third article, Michael is singing the praises of Shelley Duvall in her, often underappreciated, performance as an abused but brave wife and mother in The Shining.
The Women of Horrotober: Belinda Balaski in The Howling
Throughout Horrotober, Michael Campochiaro will be taking us through some of his favourite, stand out performances by the women of horror. In this second article, Michael is singing the praises of Belinda Balaski - the unsung hero of Joe Dante's excellent werewolf movie The Howling.
The Women of Horrotober: Heather Langenkamp in Wes Craven’s New Nightmare
Throughout Horrotober, Michael Campochiaro will be taking us through some of his favourite, stand out performances by the women of horror. In this first article, Michael is singing the praises of Heather Langenkamp in the massively underrated, Wes Craven’s New Nightmare
An Emetophobe at the Cinema: Balancing a Fear of Vomiting with a Love for Movies
In a fascinating and personal article, Lisa Gullickson looks at the phobia of vomit in relation to cinema and offers advice and inspiration to suffering emetophobes everywhere.
Mike S's Top Five of Rick Moranis's Non-Ghostbusters Performances
New contributor and Canadian, Mike S. takes a look at another Canadian, Rick Moranis and gives us his Top 5, non-Ghostbusters, performances!
20 Years of Breakdown
Jon Cross looks at the Kurt Russell starring, 90s action/thriller, Breakdown 20 years on...
Owen's Top 10 Bigfoot Movies (so far)
Bigfoot expert and professionally bearded person, Owen Durivage tells us his Top 10 Bigfoot movies (so far!) - after all he's only watched 40 Sasquatch movies so far...
Sam Raimi's Crimewave, 31 years on
Jon Cross takes a look back at Sam Raimi's ill-fated second feature film, Crimewave
30 years of Evil Dead 2: Dead By Dawn
Today, March 13th 2017, is the 30th year anniversary of the United States theatrical release of Evil Dead 2. Jon Cross talks about why it's probably the greatest film of all time.
The Awesome Women of Genre Movies
Jon Cross lists and discusses the awesome women of genre movies. In Horror, Sci-Fi, Action movies and more, women are the ones to watch!
Top 10 of 2016
Seeing as the Oscar nominations were just announced and I didn't get round to it sooner, here are my Top 10 of 2016.
The Academy Movie Title Academy
Jon Cross is back at it again with his random movie name lists! only this time it's movies with the word Academy in the title. He discusses the heady days of 80s & 90s sex romps, just how many sequels Police & Vice Academy got, where the naming convention has gone now and presents, what he believes, to be a fairly comprehensive list of all Academy named films.
35 years of The Evil Dead
On the 35th anniversary of it's U.S. theatrical release, Jon Cross examines the horror film that started it all and why The Evil Dead stood the test of time.
Long Live Elvira
Michael Campochiaro salutes the "Horror Hostess with the Mostess" Elvira, Mistress of the Dark on her 35th Anniversary!
All you need to know (and all we can tell you) about Season 2 of Ash Vs Evil Dead
ALL you need to know about Ash vs Evil Dead series 2. Including storyline, characters, behind the scenes, photos and more!
A Deadite's Bumpy Journey...or 'How I Stopped Complaining and Learnt to Love Bruce Campbell and The Evil Dead Again'
As the Ash vs Evil Dead Blu Ray gets released and on the eve of season two coming out, Jon Cross looks at his bumpy history of being a Bruce Campbell and Evil Dead fan.
Please Hollywood, don't blame the women!
With the news reporting the Ghostbusters remake will take a loss and no sequel will be greenlit, Jon Cross discusses why casting women has absolutely nothing to do with it.
The Massacre Movie Title Massacre
Jon Cross discusses movies with the word massacre in the title, the joys of VHS, the joys of mad cover art and compiles, what he considers, to be a fairly complete list of all movies with massacre in the title. Nobody's really sure why.
Why does everyone hate Escape From L.A.?
On its 20th Anniversary, Jon Cross discusses the much maligned sequel to John Carpenter's Escape from New York.