MVD to bring us JCVD's Black Eagle
The MVD Rewind Collection is set to release classic action thriller Black Eagle, starring Jean Claude Van-Damme and everyone's favourite ninja, Sho Kosugi on a sweet, special 2 disc Blu-Ray/DVD set. We have the details...
Interview with Alain Moussi
Jon Cross talks to the star of Kickboxer: Vengeance, actor, martial artist and stunt performer, Alain Moussi.
Kickboxer: Vengeance
Moe Porne reviews Kickboxer: Vengeance, the first in a new trilogy based on the classic JCVD starring Kickboxer and Jon Cross interviews the star, martial artist, stuntman and actor Alain Moussi. We also have a gallery of stills and the trailer.
Episode 113 - Peter Hyams Interview/Enemies Closer/Fatal Pictures Interview
We talk to Hollywood director Peter Hyams, review Enemies Closer starring JCVD and talk to the Fatal Pictures filmmakers about their new film, Heir.
EPISODE 51 - Expendables 1 & 2
Dr. Action himself, Mr. Paul Crowson joins me and we discuss, rant, geek out and have mammoth mangasms over the action film behemoths Expendables and Expendables 2
Yes we have hit the double digit milestone and because of this incredibly fantastic news we bring you the perfect kind of Dr.Action and Kick Ass Kid film, the Claude Jean Damme Van starring Bloodsport!