The After Movie Diner

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The Diner and The Basement JOIN UP for the FIRST time!

Large eared regular listeners and visitors are hopefully aware that, for at least, 2/3rds of the Diner's existence as a podcast we have carried the 2nd Unit Podcast Network logo and every show you hear a list of fantastic shows that we are so very honoured to walk side by side with.

Well one of the very best shows around is We Came From The Basement featuring the ever jovial film and music aficionados Jason and Shawn.

There was much talk about getting the 2nd Unit guys together to do round-table shows or cross-over shows and while we have all, at one time or another, appeared in some capacity on each other's shows this will be the first time where to get the FULL EXPERIENCE of the conversation you will have to listen to BOTH shows.

Yes on August 20th in the Diner -
and on August 25th in the Basement - We Came From The Basement
Jason, Shawn and Myself will unite in a podcasting frenzy of awesome to provide you with, what I hope is just the first,
Cliff-Hanger Podcast Cross Over Extravaganza!
We will be discussing 2 1970s Peter Fonda starring Road Movie type films!
First up is:

Dirty Mary, Crazy Larry

A rip roaring yet existential cops and robbers chase flick chock full of awesome lines, hair-raising stunts and groovy hair!

and then we've got...
Race With The Devil
Where Fonda (again), Warren Oates & Loretta Swit go up against Texan Devil worshippers in a road chase for their sanity and ultimately their lives!

Exciting, nerve wracking and fun!

Both shows will be posted at: and